Are you looking for a simple, effective, and engaging way to increase your first graders’ understanding of tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary words? If so, this simple vocabulary activity is just what you need.
This product contains 22 Shape Math Vocabulary Cards. On the front of each card is a colorful picture (or pictures) of the shape along with the name of the shape. On the back you will find the following:
A SYNONYM of the word or a phrase that will help the students create an understanding of the meaning of the vocabulary word.
A suggested GESTURE to do that will bring further understanding of the vocabulary word through physical movement.
A kid friendly DEFINITION of the word so students can relate to the word being taught.
As we know, a teacher’s day is jam packed. It is SO HARD to fit it all in day after day. We must be so intentional in regard to how we spend every minute of every day.
As teachers, we know we have many students who need multiple exposures to tier two and tier three vocabulary words before they are able to internalize those words and truly understand them.
This how our vocabulary transition cards came to be. We decided to take our tier two and three vocabulary words and make an activity out of them that students can engage and interact with multiple times throughout the day.
Here is how it works.
Choose a vocabulary card that your students need to learn and that relates to what you are currently teaching in class.
Show your students the card. Have them share what they notice/wonder. Then share with them that this is their new transition word.
Tell students that every time they transition, they will say the vocabulary word along with the synonym or phrase and a movement that will help them better understand the meaning of the word.
For example. If you are using the circle vocabulary card. You would say, “When I say the word circle, I want you to come to the carpet.” You say, “circle”. Students respond with, “Circle, round.” And as they say that they create a circle shape with their hands.
Hang the card up in the room where it is visible to all students.
All day long, EVERY time you transition, say the vocabulary word, then have the students respond with the vocabulary word, the synonym or phrase, and the gesture.
The next day (or whenever you are ready to move to a new vocabulary word) ask your students what they think the definition is to the vocabulary word. Due to the input they received from the visual cue, verbal cue, and gesture, they will be able to come up with a meaningful definition. Then share the definition on the back of the card and discuss.
Choose a new vocabulary word for the day and repeat.
The is the BEST way to increase vocabulary knowledge with your students. Year after year we have parents that share with us how amazed they are at the increase in their child’s vocabulary usage.
This activity makes transitioning FUN and ENGAGING, builds vocabulary, and takes virtually no extra time out of your day.
- Takes virtually no extra time out of your day.
- Makes transitions fun, engaging, and meaningful.
- Students experience MULTIPLE exposures to tier two and tier three vocabulary words.
- Students experience deeper understanding of challenging vocabulary.
- Students experience increased comprehension when reading or listening.
Wishing you joyful engagement in your primary classroom!
1 MB|48 pages
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