This is a complete 12 day unit on tropical rainforests that your FIRST AND SECOND GRADE students will LOVE!
Your students will be completely engaged as they learn about the rainforest layers as well as about a rainforest animal that lives in each layer.
1 Unit Overview (outline of all 12 days)
1 To Do List (preparation for unit)
6 Colorful Observation Charts (to build student interest)
4 Discussion Cards (to build interest and background knowledge)
1 Original Rain Forest Chant (color and B&W version)
1 Original Teacher Read Aloud (with student interaction)
4 Interactive Rainforest Animal Books
(Jaguar, Poison Dart Frog, Sloth, Macaw)
16 Vocabulary Cards (4 to go with each story)
8 Picture Cards (Build Interest / Inquiry)
4 Decoding Sheets (practice decoding possibly difficult words)
1 Book Making Project (color pages, templates included)
Our students LOVE this unit and yours will too!
Wishing you joyful engagement in your primary classroom!
10 MB|113 pages
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